Dear Bankers in this article we will provide the information related to the Finacle 10 commands. Finacle 10, also known as Finacle X, is making waves in the banking industry.

Some banks have already switched to Finacle 10, while others are in the process of doing so. Finacle 10 is the upgraded version of Infosys’ flagship product, widely used by banks worldwide.

If your bank has moved to Finacle 10 or is in the process, you might be curious about the new Finacle 10 commands.


The menus in Finacle 10 are different from the previous version of Finacle.


HCBR Cash Balance Report
CASHWD Cash Withdrawal
HCASHWD Cash Withdrawal
HCCST Close Cash Transactions
CCASHWD Cross Currency Cash Withdrawal
CURSALE Currency Sale – Cash
FCASHREP FAB Cash Report Details
IBRC Inquire on Bonds Realized Cashflows
IEC Issue of Encashment Certificate
HCASHPND Pending Cash Transactions
HPRR38 PRR38 Statement of Daily Cash Position
HSCWRPTA Shrof Cash Rpt-All
HSCWRPT Shroff Cash Report
HSCST Stop Cash Transactions
TCSALEC TC Sale – Cash
HGECM Teller Cash Account Maintenance
CASHDEP Cash Deposit
HCASHDEP Cash Deposit


  1. HCBR (Cash Balance Report): Obtain a detailed report of the current cash balance in your account.
  2. HGUCSMU (Cash Menu): Access the main menu for cash-related transactions in Finacle 10.
  3. ONSGCSMU (Cash Menu – ONS): Navigate to the cash menu for Online Nomination System transactions.
  4. CASHWD (Cash Withdrawal): Initiate a standard cash withdrawal transaction.
  5. HCASHWD (Cash Withdrawal): Another command for processing cash withdrawal transactions.
  6. HCCST (Close Cash Transactions): Close and finalize any pending cash transactions in the system.
  7. CCASHWD (Cross Currency Cash Withdrawal): Perform cash withdrawal transactions involving cross-currency exchanges.
  8. CURSALE (Currency Sale – Cash): Execute cash transactions involving the sale of foreign currency.
  9. FCASHREP (FAB Cash Report Details): Retrieve detailed information on cash reports through the Financial Application Builder.
  10. IBRC (Inquire on Bonds Realized Cashflows): Inquire about cash flows resulting from realized bond transactions.
  11. IEC (Issue of Encashment Certificate): Generate certificates for the encashment of cash transactions.
  12. HCASHPND (Pending Cash Transactions): View and manage pending cash transactions.
  13. HPRR38 (PRR38 Statement of Daily Cash Position): Obtain a statement detailing the daily cash position using PRR38.
  14. HSCWRPTA (Shrof Cash Rpt-All): Access an all-encompassing report on shroff (cashier) transactions.
  15. HSCWRPT (Shroff Cash Report): Retrieve specific reports on cash transactions handled by the shroff.
  16. HSCST (Stop Cash Transactions): Halt and discontinue ongoing cash transactions if needed.
  17. TCSALEC (TC Sale – Cash): Perform cash transactions related to the sale of traveler’s cheques.
  18. HGECM (Teller Cash Account Maintenance): Maintain and manage teller cash accounts efficiently.
  19. CASHDEP (Cash Deposit): Initiate a standard cash deposit transaction.
  20. HCASHDEP (Cash Deposit): Another command for processing cash deposit transactions.



HOAACMCL A/C Open Modification – Corporate Loan
HOAACMCC A/C Opening-Cash Credit-Modification
HOAACVCL A/C Opening-Commercial Loan-Verification
HOAACMTD A/C Opening-Term Deposits-Modification
HOAACVTD A/C Opening-Term Deposits-Verification
HOAACMTU A/C Opening-Top Up Deposits-Modification
HOAACVTU A/C Opening-Top Up Deposits-Verification
OAACMPS A/c. Open Modification-Pre Shipment Acct
HOAACBP Account Opening-Bill Purchase
HOAACMBP Account Opening-Bill Purchase-Modify
HOAACVBP Account Opening-Bills Purchase-Verify
HOAACCC Account Opening-Cash Credit
HOAACVCC Account Opening-Cash Credit-Verify
HOAACCL Account Opening-Commercial Loan
HOAACCA Account Opening-Current
HOAACMCA Account Opening-Current-Modification
HOAACVCA Account Opening-Current-Verify
HOAACLA Account Opening-Loan
HOAACMLA Account Opening-Loan-Modification
HOAACVLA Account Opening-Loan-Verify
HOAACOD Account Opening-Overdraft
HOAACMOD Account Opening-Overdraft-Modification
HOAACVOD Account Opening-Overdraft-Verify
HOAACSB Account Opening-Savings
HOAACMSB Account Opening-Savings-Modification
HOAACVSB Account Opening-Savings-Verify
HOAACTD Account Opening-Term Deposits
HOAACTU Account Opening-Top Up Deposits
HOAACACL Automatic Account Opening
HOAACALA Automatic Account Opening
GBHMR Bonds Holiday modification report
HCMMI Common Message Modification Interface
HDDMOD DD Modification
DRDNM Drawdown Rate Modification
HFDOCD Fixed Deposits Opening Closure Details
HUNREC IBR Open Orig/Resp Entries Reports
MCEC Modify Corporate Cus
HMEAC Modify Effective Asset Classification
MOF Modify Order Fixing
MRCR Modify Retail Cus
MSPVD Modify Structured Product Value Date
MSDA Modify Syndication Distribution Amount
FOPACOP Offline Operative Account Opening
OAACPS Open a Pre-shipment Account
HOCST Open Cash Transactions
HOICZ Open Inward Clearing Zone
HOICZSET Open Inward Clearing Zone For Set
HOXFT Open Transfer Transactions
HOZO Open Zone
HRMIM Restrict Modify Indicator Maintenance
RMBOC Reverse/Modify Batch Order Confirmation
RMBS Reverse/Modify Batch Order Settlement
GSPHMR SP Holiday Modification Report


HBCREPRT Bankers Cheque Recon Report
HCHQUPLD Cheque Book Details Upload
CHQISS Cheque Book issue
HCHBIR Cheque Book Issued Register
HCHBM Cheque Book Maintenance
HCHBMAU Cheque Book Maintenance
HECHRAC Cheques Rejected at Counter
HFBCCS Foreign Cheques Covering Schedule
GCCS Generate Cheques Covering Schedule
HINQACHQ Inquire Account Number for a Cheque
HICHBA Issue Chequebook to Account
HICHB Issue Chequebooks
HPDCZM Post Dated Cheque Zone Maintenance
HPDCM Post Dated Cheques Maintenance
UOPDCR Post Dated Cheques Upload for reject PDC
HPRR25 PRR25 Report of rejected cheques
HPUCBT Purge Cheque Book Table
HXFCHBAC Transfer Cheques between Accounts
HUCS Update Cheque Status
UMFTCD Upload MF Transactions Cheque Details
USIPCD Upload SIP Cheque Details


HDDC DD Cancellation
HDDIR DD Issue Reports
HDDNPADV DD Not Paid Advice
HDDPADV DD Paid Advice
DDPAY DD Payment
HDDADV DD Payment Advice Entry
DDREM DD Reminder Batch Menu
HDDSM DD Status Maintenance
HDDSUMF DD Summary in File
HDDXFR DD Transfer to Head Office
HDDMI Demand Draft Mass Issue
HDDMP Demand Draft Mass Payment
DD Demand Draft menus – Online Services
HDDPRPT Demand Draft Print Report
HDDXMI Demand Draft Ratex Enabled Mass Issue
HDDP Demand Draft Reports
HUPLDST Demand Draft Status Upload
HDDBP Demand Drafts Batch Printing
GUDDMU Demand Drafts Menu
HGUDDMU Demand Drafts Menu- Online services
HDDPUPL Demand Drafts Payment Upload
HDDR Demand Drafts Rectification
HDDRVRT Demand Drafts Revert
HDDT Demand Drafts Transfer
HDDUPL Demand Drafts Upload


HCCO Centralized Clearing Operaions
HCLBAP Clearing BAR/Advice Printing
GUCLMU Clearing Menu
HGUCLMU Clearing Menu- Online services
CLEARING Clearing menus – Online Services
HCLRM Clearing rule Maintenance
HCSUP Clearing Status Update
HCTCM Clearing Transaction Code Maintenance
HCLUPLD Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance
HOCTV Clearing Transaction Verification
FCLZM Clearing Zone Maintenance
HEGOC ECS Generate Outward Clearing File
HIOCLS Inquire On Clearing Transaction Sets
HGUICLMU Inward Clearing Menu
HICRCM Inward Clearing Rej Code Maintenance
REPIWC Inward Clearing Replay
HICTM Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance
HICTMO Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance
HICZCM Inward Clearing Zone Template Maint
HMCLZOH Maintain Clearing Zone
HMICZ Maintain Inward Clearing Zone
FOIQ Offline Outward Clearing Instrument Inq
FOWCUPLD Offline Outward Clearing Upload
HOCINST Outward Clearing Instrument Maintenance
HOCIV Outward Clearing Instrument Verification
HOCDL Outward Clearing Insts Download Report
GUOCLMU Outward Clearing Menu
HGUOCLMU Outward Clearing Menu – Online Sercices
HOCPTRN Outward Clearing Part Tran Maintenance
REPOWC Outward Clearing Replay
FPCLSO Outward Clearing Schedule
HOCTM Outward Clearing Set Lodge
OCLODGE Outward Clearing Set Lodge
HVALDTR Outward Clearing Value Date Report
HCLZCM Outward Clearing Zone Template Maint
HPCLSO Print Clearing Schedule
HPICS Print Inward Clearing Schedule
HPICW Print Inward Clearing Waste
HPUIZH Purge Inward clearing Zone
HPURZO Purge Outward Clearing Zone


HEDS ECS Data Segregation
HEGIR ECS Generate Inward Return File
HEIRP ECS Inward Returns Processing
HEITU ECS Inward Transaction Upload
HECSLL ECS Lien Lifting
HECSMMU ECS Main Menu – Online Services
HECSM ECS Mandate Maintenance
HEMR ECS Mandate Report
HECSMU ECS Mandate Upload
HEORP ECS Outward Returns Processing
HEOTP ECS Outward Transaction Processing
HESUP ECS Status Update
HEOSR ECS Suspense Reversal


HCAACVTD A/c. Close Authorization – Term Deposit
HCAACTD Account Close – Term Deposit
HACMTD Accounts Maintenance-Term Deposits
HACMTU Accounts Maintenance-Top Up Deposits
CPFD Calculate Profit for Deposits
HCDEP Combined Deposit
CCASHDEP Cross Currency Cash Deposit
HDAM Deposit Accounts Maintenance
HREGFLOW Deposit Flow Regeneration
HDEPMOD Deposit Modeling
HDTRD Deposit Transactions Report Detail
HDTRS Deposit Transactions Report Summary
GDLTPR Deposits Linked to Pool Report
GUDEPMU Deposits Menu
ONSGUDMU Deposits Menu – ONS
HGUDEPMU Deposits Menu- Online services
HDRP Deposits Receipt Print
HDUDRP Deposits Receipt Print [Duplicate]
DEPREPMU Deposits Reports Menu
HDEPRPMU Deposits Reports Menu – Online
ONSDPRMU Deposits Reports Menu – ONS
DPMPD Distribute Profit for Mud Pool Deposits
HFDLD Fixed Deposits Linked Details
CFDD Flow Amt-wise Distribution of Deposits
HFDD Flow Amt-wise Distribution of Deposits
CGDET General Deposits Details
HGDET General Deposits Details
IPCFD Inquire Profit Calculated for Deposits
HIRRDEP Irregular Recurring Deposits Report
CMDD Maturity Periodwise Dist of Deposits
HMDD Maturity Periodwise Dist of Deposits
HNRDCSR Non-Resident Deposit Single Return
HPENDDRP Pending Deposits Receipt Print
GPDODR Pool-Wise Distribution of Deposit Report
HRDD Ratewise Distribution of Deposits
HRELACI Renewed Accounts Lookup For Deposits
HPARTFUN Report For Partly Funded Deposits
HREDRP Reprint Deposits Receipt
HTDGSPI Scheme Parameter Inqry-Term Deposits
HTUGSPI Scheme Parameter Inqry-Top-up Deposits
HTDGSPM Scheme Parameter Maint-Term Deposits
HTUGSPM Scheme Parameter Maint-Top-up Deposits
CSDD Schemewise Distribution of Deposits
HSDD Schemewise Distribution of Deposits
HPUTDACC Term Deposit Accounts Purge
HTDEXT Term Deposit Extension
HTDINT Term Deposit Interest details
ZTDINT Term Deposit Interest Details
HTVSI Term Deposit Interest Version Slab Inq
HTVSM Term Deposit Interest Version Slab Maint
HTDREN Term Deposit Renewal
HTDTAX Term Deposit Tax Deduction Details
ZTDTAX Term Deposit Tax Deduction Details
HTDTRAN Term Deposit Transaction Details
ZTDTRAN Term Deposit Transaction Details
HUPLTAM Term Deposits Master Upload
HCUTD Term Deposits of Customer
ZCUTD Term Deposits of Customer
HUPLTDT Term Deposits Transaction Upload


HACMCL Account Maintenance-Commercial Loan
HACMLA Accounts Maintenance-Loans
HACHODCL ACH O/w Debit Claim Processing for Loans
HACHODRL ACH Outward Debit Resend for Loans
HACHDSP ACH-Loans Demand Satisfaction Process
HALMSP Agricultural Loans Master Sheet Print
HLAAR Auto Reschedule Pre EI Loans
HCLSLAA Batch Closure Of LOAN Accounts
HREPHASE Batch Rephasement of EI Loans
HLACREV Batch Review Loan Against Collateral
HCOLA Charge Off Loan Account
CAACLA Close Loan Account
HCUCLAAC Commercial Loan Accounts
ZCUCLAAC Commercial Loan Accounts
HCLARA Commercial Loan Amendment Rescheduling
HCLVSM Commercial Loan Int Ver Slab Maintenance
HCLSPAY Commercial Loan Payment Menu
HCLUPAY Corporate Loan Payment Menu
DDSL Draw Down Syndicated Loan
HECLA ECS Loan Batch Job
HEMIINTR EMI Loans Interest Details Report
HEISRPT Employer Rpt For Salary Loan Deduction
IPLIAD Inquire/Print Loan Interest Acct Details
IPLIAH Inquire/Print Loan Interest Acct History
HINSTREV Installment Reversal of Loan Accts
HLAMP Loan Account Master Print
LAACCTS Loan Account menus – Online Services
LAACCTS2 Loan Account menus 2 – Online Services
HLANM Loan Account Notice Maintenance
HLAPSP Loan Account Pass Sheet Print
HLARECAL Loan Account Recall
HCULA Loan Accounts of Customer
ZCULA Loan Accounts of Customer
HLADINAD Loan Advance Interest Adjustment
HLAAM Loan Agency Master
HLARA Loan Amendment and Rescheduling
HLACOLUP Loan Collection Upload Process
HRLDFDSO Loan Date Field Registry for Date Shift
HLADEF Loan Deferment
HLADISB Loan Disbursement
HLADML Loan Disbursement Letter
HDOCUPL Loan Document Details Upload
GLFPUTR Loan Facility Pledged by Unit Trust
HCLFEEI Loan Fee Details
HLFEEI Loan Fee Details
ZCLFEEI Loan Fee Details
ZLFEEI Loan Fee Details
HLAFIRPT Loan Future Installment/PDC Report
HCLNGI Loan General Details
HLNGI Loan General Details
ZCLNGI Loan General Details
ZLNGI Loan General Details
HSHBLGEN Loan Interest Data generation
HLINTTM Loan Interest Table Maintenance
HLVSM Loan Interest Version Slab Maintenance
HLALFAR Loan Late Fee Assessment and Reversal
HLLDM Loan Litigation Details Maintenance
HLLDRPTS Loan Litigation Details Reports
HLAMOD Loan Modelling
HPAYOFF Loan Pay Off Process
HLAPSM Loan Priority of Settlement Maintenance
HLRPSI Loan Repayment Schedule
ZLRPSI Loan Repayment Schedule
HUPLDMD Loan Upload Demands
GULAMU Loans & Advances Menu
HGULAMU Loans & Advances Menu – Online Services
LAPDCMU Loans & Advances PDC Menu
ONSLAPMU Loans & Advances PDC Menu – ONS
HLAREPMU Loans & Advances Reports Menu – Online
ONSLARMU Loans & Advances Reports Menu – ONS
HLAUPLMU Loans & Advances Upload Menu
HLABAR Loans Batch Assessment of Rebates
HLAPOSR Loans Collection and Position Report
HLADGEN Loans Demand Generation Process
HLADSP Loans Demand Satisfaction Process
HLAFACR Loans- Fee Assess, Collect and Refund
HLAFACB Loans Fee Assessment and Collection
HLAFI Loans Flow Maintenance
HLAFM Loans Flow Maintenance
HLAFHM Loans Follow-up History Maintenance
HFCRRPT Loans Forthcoming Rollover Report
HLAMATP Loans Maturity Processing
HLAODR Loans Overdue Demand Reminder/Report
HLAPRR1A Loans Periodical Review Returns 1A
HLAPRR4A Loans Periodical Review Returns 4A
HLAPRR4B Loans Periodical Review Returns 4B
HLAPRR4C Loans Periodical Review Returns 4C
HLARSH Loans Repayment Schedule Report
HLAROB Loans Rollover Batch Job
HLASPAY Loans Scheduled Payment
HSPAYRPT Loans Scheduled Payment Report
HLAUPAY Loans Unscheduled Payment
HLAUPLD Loans Uploads
HLAWFEE Loans- Waiver of Fee
HLAWINT Loans- Waiver of Interest
HDBTCON Problem Loan – Debt Transfer
HPSR29 PSR29 – Agricultural Loans Return
RLAGSPM Replicate Global Loan Parameters to GSPM
RLAR Reverse Loan Account Rescheduling
HLAGSPI Scheme Parameter Inqry-Loan Accounts
HLAGSPM Scheme Parameter Maint-Loan Accounts
HPCMMU Packing Credits Maintenance Menu
PCMMU Packing Credits Maintenance Menu
ONSPCMMU Packing Credits Maintenance Menu – ONS
PCRPTM Packing Credits Reports Menu
HPCRPTM Packing Credits Reports Menu – Online
RPODPC Party Wise Pre-Shipment Credit
HPLR Partywise Liability Register
HACLHM Account Limit History Maintenance
HAALM Acct Abnormal Limits/Details Maint
LIMSTUPD Batch Limit Status Update
HLIMRXFR Batch Re-Transfer of Limits
HACLHI Customer Limit Details
HCULMTI Customer Limit Details
ZCULMTI Customer Limit Details
HLMTREEI Customer Limit Tree Details
ZLMTREEI Customer Limit Tree Details
HUPLDLH DSA Document Limit History Upload
FCHGRLM FAB Change Offline Debit Limit
GPCLRT Generate Pre-shipment Cr Limits Report
HLIMITCR Limit Contingent Reversal
ZACLHI Limit Details
HUPLLHT Limit History Upload
HLLR Limit Liability Report
HLNDI Limit Node Details
ZLNDI Limit Node Details
HLNM Limit Node Maintenance
LNMMU Limit Node Maintenance Menu
ONSLNMMU Limit Node Maintenance Menu – ONS
HPULN Limit Node Purge
HLNREV Limit Node Revaluation
HPULNTH Limit Node Transaction/History Purge
LIMITS Limit related menus – Online Services
HLIMXFR Limit Transfer
HLTL Limit Tree Lookup
HLMIMU Limits and Margin
MLM Maintain Limit Master
HPSR32 PSR32 Sanction Limits For Accounts
HRLH Rebuild Limit History
HREVREN Review & Renew of limit of Rev OD A/c
HREALM Role Event Approver Limit Maintenance
HSEL Superceding Expired Limits
LNMTL Temporary Limits


HCFDDS Cancel Forex Demand Draft
FXMMU Forex Parameters Maintenance Menu
HFXMMU Forex Parameters Maintenance Menu
HFXTR FOREX Turnover Report
HMNTFCT Maintain FOREX Control Table
HPFDDM Pay Forex Demand Drafts in Mass
MAC Foreign Agent Code Maintenance
HFCNR Foreign Currency Notes Issued Report
HFCNPS Foreign Currency Purchase Sale Report
HFCTCR Foreign Currency TC Issued Report
HFCTCSR Foreign Currency TC Sale Report
HDTMR Foreign DD/TT/MT Issued Register
GUFXMU Foreign Exchange Menu
HGUFXMU Foreign Exchange Menu – Online
PFIRC Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate
FREMRMU Foreign Remittances Report Menu
HFREMRMU Foreign Remittances Report Menu- Online
MNTFAC Maintain Foreign Agent Code
REMPRINT Print a Foreign Outward DD
CEC Currency Exchange With Customer
CEMC Currency Exchange With Money Changer
HCLERPM Customer Level Exchange Rate Maintenance
HRATEXMU Exchange Rates Menu – Online Services
MSED Maintain Stock Exchange Details
FCFRPT Forward Cntrct Forward Rate Reval Report
FCFRR Forward Cntrct Forward Rate Revaluation
CRVLAFWC Forward Contract
HBKFWCI Forward Contract
ZBKFWCI Forward Contract
HFWCLOSE Forward Contract Close
HFWCI Forward Contract Details
ZFWCI Forward Contract Details
FWCLR Forward Contract Liability Report
MNTFWC Forward Contract Maintenance
FWCNOTE Forward Contract Note Printing
FWCREVAL Forward Contract Revaluation
FWCTPM Forward Contract Type Maintenance
FWCMU Forward Contracts Menu
HFWCMU Forward Contracts Menu- Online services


HACMBP Accounts Maintenance-Bill Purchases
CAINTMU Accounts/Bills Interest Menu
HCAINTMU Accounts/Bills Interest Menu – Online
ONSCAIMU Accounts/Bills Interest Menu – ONS
HCARPTMU Accounts/Bills Report Menu- Online
HBPAD Adhoc Bill Payment
HAMHOB Amortization History Of Bills
HBRBPR Balancing Report – Bills Purchased
BADVP Bill Advice Printing
ZODBCH Bill and Collection History Details
HODBCH Bill and Collection Revolving OD
HODBLCOL Bill Collection of Revolving Overdraft
HODBLGEN Bill Generation of Revolving Overdraft
BLMU Bill Letters Menu
HPNPD Bill Pay Presentment Processing
BILLPAY Bill Payment menus – Online Services
BRMU Bill Reports Menu
HBRMU Bill Reports Menu – Online Services
ONSBRMU Bill Reports Menu – ONS
BTPM Bill Type Parameter Maintenance
HBBRPT Biller Bill Report
HBCHC Biller Charge Calculation
HBCRPT Biller Charges Report
HBPYT Biller Credit Processing
HBDEL Biller Delete
HBPRC Biller Payment Report
HBLRG Biller Registration Maintenance
HBSR Biller Service Registration
HODBCHRP Billing and Collection History
BILLUDR Billpay Downld,Upld and Rpts menus-ONS
BDS Bills Delinked Statement
HBDISREP Bills Discrepency Report
HBDTR Bills Due Today but Unpaid
BECR Bills Export Claim Report
HBICR Bills Interest Collected Report
BINTTM Bills Interest Table Maintenance
GUBMU Bills Maintenance Menu
HGUBMU Bills Maintenance Menu – Online Services
HFBEF Bills of Entry Statement
BPS Bills Purchased Subsidiary Report
HBIREIC Bills Rear End Int Collection
BRR Bills Register Report
HBRRBPR Bills Register Report – Bills Purchased
HBRRCR Bills Register Report – Collection
BMUPL Bills Upload
HCABR Co-accepted Bills
FBCRMU CommonExport/Import Bills Report Menu
HFBCRMU CommonExport/Import Bills Report Menu
HCOCTOD Create Occured TOD Maintainence
HBDDL Download of Paid Bills
HEXBP Expired and Failed Bills Processing
EOBR Export and Outward Bills Report
FBERMU Exports Bill Report Menu
HFBERMU Exports Bill Report Menu – Online
EBS Extended Bills Statement
HBKFBI Foreign Bills
ZBKFBI Foreign Bills
HFBBR Foreign Bills Balancing Register
HFBCS Foreign Bills Covering Schedule
HFBENC Foreign Bills ENC Statement
FXBMU Foreign Bills Menu
HPMEMO Foreign Bills Presentation Memo
HFBSNC Foreign Bills SNC Statement
FBMUPL Foreign Bills Upload
GBCS Generate Bills Covering Schedule
GBDR Generate Bills Discrepancy
GICBR Generate Int Collected On Bills
GUBBR Generate Undrawn Bills Balance Report
IIBR Import and Inward Bills Report
HIMPBILI Import Bill Details
ZIMPBILI Import Bill Details
FBIRMU Import Bill Report Menu
HFBIRMU Import Bill Report Menu- Online services
IBILLUPL Import Bills Upload
HBKIBI Inland Bills
ZBKIBI Inland Bills
HINBILLI Inland Bills Details
ZINBILLI Inland Bills Details
HBIDUMP Inland Bills Dump
IBH Inquire on Bills History
HBIACCR Interest Accrual For Bills
HBIBOOK Interest Booking For Bills
HBICN Interest Calculation – Non Bill by Bill
HFBICS Interest Collected on Foreign Bills
PIHBR Interest History [IDH] Purge For Bills
HBINTRPT Interest Report For Bills
HLBDR Local Bill Discounting
MBIC Maintain Bill Interest Codes
MEOB Maintain Export and Outward Bills
MIIB Maintain Import and Inward Bills
HIDTARCH Move IDT records to IDH for Bills
MTBR Multi Tenor Bills Report
HBIODIC Overdue Bills Int Collection
HBBSRT Payer Bill Details Report
GPADB Pending and Dishonoured Bills Report
HPBUPL Presentment Bills Upload
HPUBLT Purge Bill Lodge Table
HPUFBM Purge FX Bill Master Table
RBRP Report for Bills Repricing
HBDR Review Of Pending And Dishonoured Bills
HPSPMT Scheduled Bill Payments Processing
HSIETR SIs Executed Today Report
OIIB Statement of Overdue Import/Inward Bills
HSRBBR Statistical Report on Bills
HTODCS TOD Criteria and Selection
HTODRP TOD Register Printing
HIBADVP Transaction Advice Printing IBILL
BILLEUPL Upld Foreign Bill Events
HUBDTR Usance Bills Discounted -POR7


HLACM Account Collateral Link Maintenance
HBSR3 BSR3 Adv against selected collaterals
HCBPM Collateral Based Parameter Maintenance
HUPLCLM Collateral Details Upload
HCLDPLRE Collateral DP/Lien Updation and Reval
HCLM Collateral Linkage Maintenance
HCLL Collateral Lookup
HCMI Collateral Master Maintenance
HCMM Collateral Master Maintenance
HCLMRPTS Collateral Module Reports
HCLSRPTS Collateral Status Reports
HCOLINI Customer Collateral & Insurance Details
ZCOLINI Customer Collateral & Insurance Details
HCCUPLD Link Collaterals Upload for CC
MLMC Maintain & Link Multiple Collaterals
MMC Maintain Multiple Collaterals
HCMMUPL Mass Collateral Upload
HSSC System Substitution of Collaterals


GDCRA Documentary Credit Reports and Advices
DCTPM Documentary Credit Type Parameter Maint
HBKDCI Documentary Credits
ZBKDCI Documentary Credits
HDCLIABR Documentary Credits Liability Register
DCMU Documentary Credits Menu
HDCMU Documentary Credits Menu – Online
HDCREG Documentary Credits Register Printing
HIMPDCI Import DC Details
ZIMPDCI Import DC Details
HINDCI Inland Inward DC Details
ZINDCI Inland Inward DC Details
HINODCI Inland Outward DC Details
ZINODCI Inland Outward DC Details


HACMP Account Master Print
HACSP Account Selection Print
HBMARGIN BG Margin Printing
HACLPCA Customer Account Ledger Print
HCUSBALP Customer Balance Printing
HCUMP Customer Master Print
HDCGPR DC General Purpose Report Printing
HFFDPSP FFD – Pass Sheet Print
HHOS HO Schedules Print
HHOSUMP HOC Summary Print
IHOTPA Inquire HO Transactions & Print Advices
HACLPOA Office Account Ledgers Print
HPSP Pass Sheet Print
HPBP Passbook Print
HPBPR Passbook Reprint
HDDPALL Print All Unprinted DDs
PCZD Print Certificate for Zakat Deduction
PCA Print Consolidated Advices
HPDB Print Day book
HADVC Print DR/CR Advice to Customer
DDFMU Print Forms
PIPS Print Investment Portfolio Statement
HPLBRAN Print P & L Report for Branch
HPBBRAN Print Profitability/Budget Rpt in Branch
HPR Print Reports
HSIADVC Print SI Advice to Customer
HSICL Print SI Covering Letter to Customer
HSAG Print Swift Message Advice
HPTW Print Transfer Waste
HPV Print Voucher
HPWO Print Waste
HPDML Print/Display Media List
HPRT Printer Table Maintenance
HPRTMR Printing Maha Reports
PPC Profit Certificate Print
HFXPSRG Purchase / Sale register printing
HPUPQT Purge Print Queue Table
HPRRTL Ratelist Printing
RADVP Remittance Advice Printing
HDDRPRNT Reprint a DD/ Print Advice
HSIRP Standing Instructions Register Printing
HCHRGADV Transaction Advice Printing DC/BG


HBKGURI Guarantee
ZBKGURI Guarantee
HBGCLOSE Guarantee Close
GTPM Guarantee Parameter Maintenance
HGILR Guarantees Issued / Liabilty Register
GMMU Guarantees Menu
HGMMU Guarantees Menu – Online Services
ONSGMMU Guarantees Menu – ONS
BGUPL Guarantees Upload
CRVLABGU Bank Guarantees
HBNKGI Bank Guarantees
ZBNKGI Bank Guarantees
CGOC Calculate Guarantee Overdue Charges
GDPGR Deferred Payment Guarantee Report
IGM Inward Guarantee Maintenance
OGM Outward Guarantee Maintenance
HPRR11A PRR11A Quarterly Statement of Guarantees
HPRR11B PRR-11B Monitoring of Guarantees
HPRR11C PRR-11C Statement of Guarantees
HBGSTMNT Statement of Guarantee
HSTR19 STR19 Insurance covered guarantee report
UBGE Upld Bank Guarantee Events


HACACCR Interest Accrual For Accounts
HCLACCR Interest Accrual For Commercial Lending
HRMACCR Interest Accrual For Remittances
HRLACCR Interest Accrual For Retail Lending
HIARM Interest Adjustment Register Maintenance
HODIANO Interest Advance Notice for OD Accounts
INTTDADV Interest And TDS Advice
HACBOOK Interest Booking For Accounts
HCLBOOK Interest Booking For Commercial Lending
HRMBOOK Interest Booking For Remittances
HRLBOOK Interest Booking For Retail Lending
HINTCERT Interest Certificate Print
HRPCINT Interest For RPC Disbursements
HAINTPRG Interest History[IDH] Purge For Accounts
HIPDCR Interest Paid on Delayed Collection
HINTPRF Interest Proof Report
HINTADV Interest Rate Change Advice
HAINTRPT Interest Report For Accounts
HACINT Interest Run For Accounts
ACNPAINT Interest Run For NPA Accounts
HUPLITVS Interest Slab Version Upload
HITCM Interest Table Code Maintenance
HUPLINT Interest Table Code Upload For Accounts
HINTTM Interest Table Maintenance
HITGPM Interest Table Notice Period Maintenance
HIVSM Interest Version Slab Maintenance
HINTREV Interest/Installment Rvrsl of Accounts


HATI Abnormal Transactions Inquiry
HCUACIMU Account Inquiry
HAITINQ Account Interest Details Inquiry
ZAITINQ Account Interest Details Inquiry
HACLINQ Account Ledger Inquiry
HALI Account Lien Inquiry
HALHI Account Limit History Inquiry
IOAPB Account Profit Booking Inquiry
HACSBIO Account Shadow Balance Inquiry
HACTODI Account TOD Inquiry
HAACI Accounts Access Code Inquiry
HACICL Accounts Inquiry for Commercial Loan
HACITD Accounts Inquiry for Term Deposits
HACITU Accounts Inquiry for Top Up Deposits
HAALI Acct Abnormal Limits/Details Inquiry
HACHINQD ACH Inquiry Details
HACHINQP ACH Print Inquiry Details
HAGTI Agent Master Inquiry
HASTI Amount-slab Table Inquiry
HLAPRI Annual Percentage Rate APR Inquiry
ZLAPRI Annual Percentage Rate APR Inquiry
HAFI Audit File Inquiry
HABI Average Balance Inquiry
ZABI Average Balance Inquiry
HBSI Bank Status Inquiry
HBKTI Bank Table Inquiry
ISPBD Basic Details Inquiry
ZISPBD Basic Details Inquiry
IBL BILL Inquiry and Printing
HBJSTI BJS Table Inquiry
HBUIRPT BORPI Upload Inquiry Report
HBPINQ BPAB Inquiry Master
HBRTI Branch Table Inquiry
HCTI Calendar Table Inquiry
ZCUCC Cash Credit of Customer
HCUCC Cash Credits of Customer
HCASHDPI Cash Deposit Inquiry
HCASHWDI Cash Withdrawal Inquiry
HCLCI Charge Level Code Inquiry
HCHBI Cheque Book Inquiry
HECHRACI Cheques Rejected at Counter Inquiry
HCTCI Clearing Transaction Code Inquiry
HCLI Collateral Linkage Inquiry
HCLAIMU Commercial Loans Inquiry
IIC Commission Inquiry
HACCBALI Components of Account Balance Inquiry
COINQ Cust Option Inquiry
HACI Customer Accounts Inquiry
HACILA Customer Accounts Inquiry for Term Loans
HCCI Customer Charges Inquiry
ZCCI Customer Charges Inquiry
HBPSUB Customer Inquiry – Bill Pay
ZBPSUB Customer Inquiry – Bill Pay
HCPI Customer Provisioning Inquiry
ICP Customer Put Inquiry
ZICP Customer Put Inquiry
HCULI Customer Unutilised Limit Inquiry
HDDIC DD Credits Inquiry
HDDID DD Debits Inquiry
HCLDOCI Document Inquiry
HLDOCI Document Inquiry
ZCLDOCI Document Inquiry
ZLDOCI Document Inquiry
HDOCTI Document Track Inquiry
HDRDIRI Draw Down Interest Rate Inquiry
ZDRDIRI Draw Down Interest Rate Inquiry
HDSAIP DSA Inquiry and Printing
HEFI Employee File Inquiry
HERTI Error Table Inquiry
FPRSINQ FAB Process Status Inquiry
IFC Fees and Charges Inquiry
HFINERR Finacle or Custom Errors Inquiry
HFTI Financial Transactions Inquiry
HFTR Financial Transactions Inquiry & Report
MASINQ1 Framework Inquiry menus-Online Services
HGPLI General Purpose Letter Inquiry
GPLSI Global Product Linked Schemes Inquiry
GPPHI Global Product Parameter History Inquiry
HGI Guarantee Inquiry
HINHI Holding Inquiry
HHII Hot Items Inquiry
HIBCTI IBR Control Table Inquiry
HINI Identification Number Inquiry
HCUALI Inquire on Customer Lien Inquiry
INQRY Inquiry – Online Services
HBRSTI Inquiry for Batch Status Report
INQUIRY Inquiry Menus – Online Services
HREFINQA Inquiry on Active Referrals
IBDDS Inquiry on Bond Deals due for settlement
IBFC Inquiry on Bond Fees and charges
HCHOFI Inquiry on Charge off and non accural
HCLCHOFI Inquiry on Charge off and non accural
HTACHOFI Inquiry on Charge off and non accural
ZCHOFI Inquiry on Charge off and non accural
ZCLCHOFI Inquiry on Charge off and non accural
ZTACHOFI Inquiry on Charge off and non accural
HPHINQ Inquiry on History of Partition A/c
HREFINQI Inquiry on Inactive Referrals
HLINTI Inquiry on Interest
ZLINTI Inquiry on Interest
HPARTINQ Inquiry on Partitioned Account
HPDBJINQ Inquiry on PBJ Table
HITI Instruments Table Inquiry
HIBSTI Inter Branch Seed Table Inquiry
IOIPD Inter Pool Details Inquiry
HINTTI Interest Rate Details Inquiry
ZINTTI Interest Rate Details Inquiry
HINTCI Interest Table Code Inquiry
HITCI Interest Table Code Inquiry
ZINTCI Interest Table Code Inquiry
HINTTMI Interest Table Inquiry
HINTSI Interest Version Slab Inquiry
HIVSI Interest Version Slab Inquiry
HIIA Inventory Inquiry ALL
HILCI Inventory Location Code Inquiry
HIMAI Inventory Merge and Inquiry
HIMIA Inventory Merge and Inquiry
HIMAUI Inventory Movement Auth. Inquiry
HIMI Inventory Movement Inquiry
HISAI Inventory Split and Inquiry
HISIA Inventory Split and Inquiry
HICI Inward Cheques Inquiry
ZICI Inward Cheques Inquiry
HIICUH Inward CLG Upload Inquiry
IICS Issuer Call Inquiry
ZIICS Issuer Call Inquiry
HLRCDI Large Reference Code Inquiry
HCLACLI Ledger Inquiry
HLACLI Ledger Inquiry
ZCLACLI Ledger Inquiry
ZLACLI Ledger Inquiry
ZCUALI Liens Inquiry
HLLI Limit Liability Inquiry
HLIMNDI Limit Node Details Inquiry
HLNHIR Limit Node History Inquiry/Report
HLNI Limit Node Inquiry
HLNTIR Limit Node Transaction Inquiry/Report
HLAGI Loan Account General Inquiry
HLAITCI Loan Interest Table Code Inquiry
HLVSI Loan Interest Version Slab Inquiry
HLRBTI Loan Rebate Details Inquiry
ZLRBTI Loan Rebate Details Inquiry
HLAFHI Loans Follow-up History Inquiry
HLAOPI Loans Overdue Position Inquiry
HMACI Master Account Inquiry
HCUMI Master Placement Details Inquiry
HCLMSGI Messages Inquiry
HLMSGI Messages Inquiry
ZCLMSGI Messages Inquiry
ZLMSGI Messages Inquiry
IOMP Mudarabah Pool Inquiry
IOMPPD Mudarabah Pool Pool Profit Inquiry
HMCAI Multi Currency Account Inquiry
OTRINQ Offline Transaction Inquiry
IOS Order Inquiry
ZIOS Order Inquiry
IML Order Lien Inquiry
ZIML Order Lien Inquiry
ITO Order Transfer Inquiry
ZITO Order Transfer Inquiry
HOCI Outward Cheques Inquiry
ZOCI Outward Cheques Inquiry
HOIQ Outward Clearing Instrument Inquiry
HOPQ Outward Clearing Part Tran Inquiry
HWFADMI PEAS Workflow Admin Inquiry
HWFAUDI PEAS Workflow Audit Inquiry
HWFUSRI PEAS Workflow Inquiry
HINPI Policy Inquiry
IMFCP Portfolio Composition Inquiry
ZIMFCP Portfolio Composition Inquiry
HPPIM Portfolio Provisioning Inquiry
IPR Premature Redemption Inquiry
ZIPR Premature Redemption Inquiry
HPRTINQ Print Queue Inquiry
HMNTRTI Rate Master Inquiry
IRCF Realized Cash Flow Inquiry
HINRPI Recurring Premium Inquiry
HRRCDI Reference Code Inquiry
GURFIMU Reference File Inquiry Menu
HRELPI Related Party Inquiry
ZRELPI Related Party Inquiry
RPTINQ Report Inquiry
HLAIMU Retail Loans Inquiry
HSOLSTAT Service Outlets Status Inquiry
HSSI SOL Status Inquiry
HDDII Specific DD Issued Inquiry
HDDIP Specific DD Paid Inquiry
HSSII Standing Instruction Inquiry
HSII Standing Instructions Inquiry
HSMI Swift Messages Inquiry
HSWSTATI Switch Parameter Inquiry
SIRI Syndication Interest Rate Inquiry
HTDSIP TDS Inquiry & Printing
HTCPIAC Teller Cash Position Inquiry – Currency
HTCPIAE Teller Cash Position Inquiry – Employee
HTCPI Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry
HTHI Template History Inquiry
TBJSINQ Time-based Batch Jobs Inquiry
HTUINST Top Up Deposits Installment Inquiry
TRANINQ Tran Inquiry
HTACI Transaction Access Code Inquiry
HTFCTI Transaction Filtration Criteria Inquiry
HINTI Transaction Inquiry
HTEI Transactions Exceptions Inquiry
HACLI Transactions Inquiry
HTI Transactions Inquiry
ZACLI Transactions Inquiry
HXFERI Transfer Transaction Inquiry
HVTPI Virtual Terminal Profile Inquiry
WMSBOND4 Bond Inquiries menus-ONS
DBIRMU DB Inquiries & Reports Menu
HDBIRMU DB Inquiries & Reports Menu – Online
EQBTHR9 Equities Inquiries menus-ONS
FIINQMU FI Inquiries Menu
ICCAB Inquire Corp Act Benifits Dtls
ICRBBR Inquire Cust RH and BUY Back Req
ICH Inquire Equity Inv Holdings
IFD Inquire Fee Details
INQINTPC Inquire Interest for Pre Shipment Credit
ICHP Inquire Inv Holdings/Position
IBBHP Inquire On Bank Bonds Holding and Posn
IBBH Inquire On Bank Bonds Holdings
HIBPI Inquire On Batch Transactions
IBP Inquire on Bond Price
IBOD Inquire On Bonds OTC Deals
IBOO Inquire On Bonds OTC Orders
ICBTD Inquire on Bonds Transactions
ICBHP Inquire On Cust Bonds Holding and Posn
ICBD Inquire On Customer Bonds Deals
ICBH Inquire On Customer Bonds Holdings
ICBO Inquire On Customer Bonds OTC Orders
ICEO Inquire On Customer Equity Orders
ICET Inquire On Customer Equity Trade
ICOMT Inquire On Customer Off Market Transfers
IOCP Inquire on Customer Profits
ZIOCP Inquire on Customer Profits
IDDS Inquire on Dividend Details
IEO Inquire On Equity Orders
IEP Inquire on Equity Price
IET Inquire On Equity Trade
IFWC Inquire on Forward Contract
IFWCH Inquire on Forward Contract History
HIOGLT Inquire on GL Transactions
IIP Inquire on Insurance Policies
IIT Inquire on Insurance Transactions
IINP Inquire on Investment Portfolio
IMAN Inquire on Mandates
IMFB Inquire On Mutual Fund Balance
ZIMFB Inquire On Mutual Fund Balance
IMFTL Inquire on Mutual Fund Tran. Ledger
IMFDT Inquire on Mutual Fund Transactions
IMFT Inquire On Mutual Fund Transactions
IRS Inquire on Remittances
IES Inquire on Signatures
ISP Inquire on Systematic Plan
ZISP Inquire on Systematic Plan
ITDS Inquire On Trades Due For Settlment
HIOT Inquire on Transactions
IOZ Inquire on Zakat
IPCI Inquire Pre-shipment Credit Interest
ISC Inquire Setlemnt Calendr Dtls
ISPO Inquire Struct Prod Orders
DDIMU Inquiries
HDDIMU Inquiries
GUINQMU Inquiries Menu
INSUR7 Insurance Inquiries menus-ONS
MFBTHR8 Mutual Fund Inquiries menus-ONS
STRPROD9 Structured Products Inquiries menus-ONS
WMSCOM4 WMS Common Inquiries menus-ONS


HAFP Audit File Print
HAFPU Audit File Purge
HALDM Audit Literal Details Maintenance
HAEI Inquire On Audit Events
IAM Inquire on Audit Master
ISPA Inquire on Sign and Photo Audit
IEAUDIT Inter Entity Audit Report
HISAR Inter Sol Audit Report
HPAD Print Audit Details
HVAM Verification Audit Maintenance
HVAD View Audit Details

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